five songs about the strike
Not really though.
even though I fully intended to be a good new yorker and Blog The Strike, I never got that perfect photo that fully encompassed Strike Chaos. not for lack of trying - I took my camera with me every day this week - but just because I missed all the good shit, mostly since I stayed away from the LIRR madness.
but carpooling was fun! Dave and I picked up a friend-of-a-friend-of-a-friend who needed a ride, and then recruited a random pedestrian to get us over the manhattan bridge. He was a british guy who was in marketing or something and trance DJed on the side. people in new york got relatively nice for like 3 days, it was cool. I took some pictures of the traffic, but I'll spare you those.
speaking of things I intended to blog and then didn't, sorry that there's no end-of-year film or music retrospective. I know you count on me to be a pretentious dick like that. so here's what I got: if you didn't hear/didn't like the Kanye West album, you're a racist, if you didn't see/didn't like the Squid and the Whale, you have no heart, and Illinois isn't overrated - you're...over-gay-ted.
stars - ageless beauty (the most serene republic remix)
so much better than the original, it's not even not funny
clem snide - end of love
best first 48 seconds of any song this year
kanye west - gone
but if you ever switch sides like anakin...
the futureheads - hounds of love
five songs "of love" edition!
jenny lewis and the watson twins - born secular
hey, the most perfect woman in the world has a solo album. neat.
and that's that. I'm going away with my family all next week, and after that it's new years, and then back to work. you know how we do. seacrest out