out of egypt, into the Great Laugh of Mankind, and i shake the dirt from my sandals as i run

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

five songs - exposed lies edition

Below: Dave does an uncanny impression of me talking about a blog. (Insipred by Domino's astonishing Show Us Your Brooklyn Style contest)

Bonus points for getting the details right: the way I talk really fast when I'm excited about something, my tendency to use my hands expressively but not very effectively, my delusions both about commerce and morality, the way I'm always talking about Pitchfork (really?), and my habit (that I picked up at Harvard?) of using phrases like "critical lens" in everyday converation. Acting!

People, the implication is clear. I'm found out. All joking aside, I'm a fraud. Anyway here's a few songs I must have stolen from Pitchfork.

Beirut - Elephant Gun
Part of me feels bad about lavishing any more attention on a band (person?) that's already gotten an inappropriate amount of praise for a really tiny body of work. (I bought their album and it's, you know, okay.) But they do have a new EP, and I haven't heard it yet, but I have heard this, 28 times according to iTunes.

Page France - Windy
This summer I was barely convinced to see Page France on a whim in the basement of Union Hall. Listen to me, Page France: your band's name is off-putting. I almost didn't come to the show because of it. I did, and then I bought your CD, and it's one of the best I've heard all year, but I almost didn't come to the show. I think you should consider this.

Hot Chip - Sexual Healing
Not better than the original, but this is not the goal. I'm starting to think that Hot Chip is one of those bands that can do no wrong

The Spinto Band - Direct to Helmet
There were two Lupe Fiasco tracks I was deciding between for song 4, but I couldn't decide so I was just like fuck it, they're getting another band of white guys. But the lyrics are clever, so it's almost like rap?

The Magic Numbers - This Is A Song
I think the obviousness of the Magic Numbers actually makes them harder to get into - it's definitely the reason the indie establishment doesn't give them a lot of hype, and it's admittedly why I stayed away from them for a while. But friends!! Enough!!! Throw off your shackles!!!! I have given you an entry point!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I believe you didn't get into The Magic Numbers because I was the one who introduced them to you.

11/15/2006 9:55 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I tend to agree with pooperman. When I told adam about them in the summer of 05, Adam's response was "You know who likes them? Brian." And he left it at that. And never listened to them.

11/16/2006 7:08 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

What's weird is how much Fake You sounds like Steve Terrier talking about "The Chronicles of Riddick." Like, I could be a vampire, and you wouldn't know.

11/17/2006 1:25 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for sticking up for me, Josh. For some reason, without corroboration, I have no credability with adam. And of course, he still can't admit that I'm right. Come on, say it. Say that the real reason you decided to not "get into" a band is because I told you would enjoy them.

11/17/2006 5:00 PM

Blogger adam said...

Let the record show:

The real reason I didn't get into the Magic Numbers is because I do not trust Brian.

I do not trust Brian because he raped me when I was a boy.

11/17/2006 5:39 PM

Blogger adam said...


11/21/2006 11:08 PM


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