you'll be better and you'll be smarter and more grown up and a better daughter
life is being updated! blog is being updated!
So now i live in brooklyn. I have a new apartment, and a new roommate, and a new job.
my job is that i am a production assistant on a bollywood movie shooting in new york. today, my specific job was to drive around this man. he is a big star on the indian subcontinent!
another thing: today I bought my first digital camera, which is a big deal for me. i will show you the first 3 pictures i took, in order to illustrate my life:

This is our living room! This illustrates how many megapixels my camera has! you can see the titles on our DVD collection. awesome. next:

anyway, what surprises me is how unfazed i feel by all these changes. there's only one thing that really irks me these days, and that's that they changed the way itunes looks. what the fuck. what is this.
ok bye
-love adam
Hey Adam, it's Henry Kaplan. You're a PA for a Bollywood movie?! That's fucking awesome. Good luck with that.
9/09/2005 5:53 PM
You have chosen the inferior borough, but that's ok. You're the one who has to live with yourself.
Welcome to the blog neighborhood, at any rate! Suckaaaaaaa
9/09/2005 8:26 PM
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